Our Team

Qualified. Committed. Caring.

Lucy Daniels Center staff work as a team to assist your child in becoming their best and truest self. Our team consists of teachers, psychiatrist(s), child psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, parent therapists, clinical director, education director, and other key Lucy Daniels Center staff members. We collaborate regularly to coordinate and plan the best educational and therapeutic interventions for your child to help them feel protected, supported, and empowered to succeed at home, in the classroom, and beyond.

Leadership Team

Seinna Means

Seinna Means

Administrator, Farley-Manning Family Guidance Service

Administrative Staff

Seinna Means

Seinna Means

Administrator, Farley-Manning Family Guidance Service

Lucy Daniels School

Farley-Manning Family Guidance Service

Don Rosenblitt

Don Rosenblitt

Division of Medical Services - Founding Clinical/Executive Director 1991 - 2019

SecurePath Therapy Team

Resources Team

Interns, Externs & Fellows

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