Lucy Daniels Therapy Staff

Ashley McCormick, LCSW
Female teacher making pottery with child
Ashley McCormick, LCSW
Mental Health Clinician

MSW, UNC-Chapel Hill

Ashley McCormick has been working as a clinician in the Family Guidance Service at Lucy Daniels Center for the better part of two decades. Before joining Lucy Daniels Center, Ashley worked with youth involved in the juvenile justice system, with children/teens and parents in an outpatient therapy clinic, and with adults in an inpatient unit. She has trained with the Psychoanalytic Education Center of the Carolinas for a number of courses.  Special areas of interest include: treating issues related to trauma, adoption, grief, and attachment; treating adolescents and emerging adults; and, working with clients in intensive treatment.

Email Ashley McCormick | 919.677.1400 x 145

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