Admissions to Lucy Daniels School
We provide an alternative choice in our therapeutic school for children who struggle emotionally and academically in a mainstream school environment.
Your child
Matching your child’s emotional, social, and academic needs with our program is the focus of our comprehensive approach to assessment. After filling out the Request for Consultation form, you will meet with one of our administrators to discuss your child and our school program. Next, within three to four weeks, we will take a four-part approach:
Further meetings with you to learn about your child’s background
Two or more play-based sessions between our clinicians, teachers, a school director, and your child (plus you if your child is five or younger)
Observation (with your permission) of your child in his/her current classroom
Standard psychological or developmental assessments if we feel they would be helpful in understanding your child
If Lucy Daniels School with its associated services from the Center is not the ideal approach, we will recommend other treatment options or programs in the community that would best suit your child’s social, emotional, and academic needs.

Our Team
Our teachers develop relationships with each child, providing support and strategies to work through the behavioral and emotional blocks to academic success. Children in 1st grade and older work individually with therapists on-site, while parents of children in preschool work with a parent support therapist. We work as a team and collaborate regularly to ensure that each child is heard, valued and empowered to be successful in school and in life.
Take the next step!
We invite you to call, email, or visit to begin a discussion about whether Lucy Daniels School is the right choice for your child.
License and Certification
Lucy Daniels School is proud to be rated a 5-Star Preschool, the highest rated license standard administered by the North Carolina Division of Child Development, Department of Health and Human Services. This designation confirms that teachers at Lucy Daniels School hold the highest level degree of education, our classroom environment is outstanding, and we offer the highest standards of student to teacher ratios.
Lucy Daniels School is licensed by the N.C. Department of Non-Public Education.