March 13, 2020
Dear LDC Community,
We are writing this message to you in light of the recent Declaration of the State of Emergency in North Carolina due to COVID-19 and concerns which have been voiced and heard by our administrative team. The health and wellbeing of the children and families in our care, as well as that of our staff, are our absolute first priorities. Lucy Daniels Center is also deeply committed to your child’s continued care and we will make every effort to ensure that progress and treatment are not limited by the current or future state of COVID-19.
Beginning Monday, March 16th, Lucy Daniels Center, including Lucy Daniels School, Family Guidance Service, and SecurePath, will temporarily move all school and therapy services to an online platform, to remain in effect until, minimally, Monday, March 30th. We will closely monitor CDC and Department of Health recommendations when considering appropriateness of reopening our Center’s facilities.
Lucy Daniels School teachers are all prepared to make regular/daily contact with students via email or virtual classrooms to stay current with curriculum requirements. Administrators and teachers will be available daily by email throughout any unplanned school break time.
In order to preserve the continuity of care for your child and family, we will be moving all therapy services to our secure telehealth platform. We are very fortunate to have access to excellent, user-friendly, HIPAA compliant telehealth platforms and look forward to utilizing this resource to continue your care. If you already have an appointment scheduled with your provider, please plan to attend that appointment as scheduled, via telehealth. Our agency uses Zoom Pro for virtual sessions. Your individual therapist will be in touch with the link you will use to access your sessions. Accessibility to telehealth only requires internet and can be done from any phone or a desktop/laptop that has a camera and microphone. If you do not have access to the above resource(s), please reach out to your individual provider to discuss other treatment options. Should you have any scheduling questions or concerns, please connect directly with your Lucy Daniels Center therapist.
We want to assure you that this decision has been made with great care. To our knowledge, no one on our team or any clients that have been present at Lucy Daniels Center have, or have known exposure, to COVID-19. We are simply exercising our responsibility as a community agency to make an objective, mindful decision that will benefit and protect you, our staff, and all of the community members that we come in contact with. We will continue to communicate with you closely in the coming days and weeks.
Josie Sawyer
Clinical/Executive Director
Lucy Daniels Center | 9003 Weston Parkway | Cary, NC 27513
Phone: 919.677.1400 x 158 | Fax: 919.677.1489 |