Lucy’s Book Club

Bear Feels Scared
by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman

Even giant furry creatures can get scared. Bear wanders away from home looking for food when a storm comes up and he can’t find his way. Rescued by his caring, woodland friends, he gets safely home and falls asleep among his friends. This book is full of descriptive vocabulary, rhyming verses, and a read-along chorus and provides numerous opportunities for child participation.

How does Bear Feels Scared support the emotional development of young children?
What child cannot relate to being scared, afraid of the dark, and being alone? Bear Feels Scared explores the experience of being scared, from tears to self-pity, trembles, shivers, and loneliness. The illustrations complement the text moving from very bright colors to increasingly dark, and then warm colors. This is also a story about what it means to be a friend and the comfort that friendships can provide.

Reading Bear Feels Scared to a group of children: engaging and activating children throughout the story:
This is an interactive book right from the start. The children can chime in with the rhyming text and the repetitive chorus, “And the bear feels scared!” There are also several words in the text that may be unfamiliar to the children. These provide an excellent opportunity for vocabulary development. Words such as lair, trudge, and perch may need further explanation and parents can encourage their use in other contexts as well. Children may also wish to share their experiences of being scared; how they felt and what made them feel better.

Suggested Activities For  Bear Feel Scared

Bear Mazes
Download the teddy bear maze at this link:

(Mazes are great for developing pre-writing skills.) Talk about what it might feel like to try to find your way through a maze. Could it be scary?

What might help?

Ask the children to think about something (perhaps a stuffed animal) that helps them feel safe when they get scared. How do they use it to help?

My Teddy Bear

       by Margaret Hillert

A teddy bear is nice to hold.
The one I have is getting old.
His paws are almost wearing out
And so’s his funny furry snout,
From rubbing on my nose of skin,
And all his fur is pretty thin.
A ribbon and piece of string
Make a sort of necktie thing.
His eyes came out and now instead
He has some new ones made of thread.
I take him everywhere I go
And tell him all the things I know.
I like the way he feels at night,
All snuggled up against me tight.

Download printable .pdf to share activities in your home, homeschool or school environment.

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Quail Ridge Books:
Order Bear Feels Scared Online

Read With Me:
Order Bear Feels Scared Online

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