Onsite and Telehealth Outpatient Therapy
Our Farley-Manning Family Guidance Service (FGS) provides onsite and telehealth therapy for children ages birth through 11 years old and their families.
At FGS, we help families understand the reasons why their children may be having emotional or behavioral difficulties and help them work toward sustainable solutions. Getting started is simple!
Step 1
Request for Consultation. Parents can expect to hear back from us within two weeks, although occasionally our waiting lists are longer.
Step 2
We’ll then arrange a meeting with the parents and share any advice or recommendations for next steps. We tailor our recommendations to the unique needs of each child.
Step 3
If further treatment is recommended with FGS, continued help typically includes a combination of parent counseling, play therapy for the child, family therapy, collaboration with the school, among other things.
Situations we typically encounter
FGS is uniquely equipped to handle your childs individual needs. Here are a few situations we typically help with:
- Anxiety or behavioral issues tied to recent adjustments intensified during the Covid-19 crisis
- Behavior and discipline challenges
- Attention deficit/hyperactivity challenges
- Childhood bereavement
- Reactions to abuse and other trauma
- Complications of adoption including attachment problems
- Adjustments in blended families
- Impulsivity and aggression
- Difficulties as a result of divorce
- Fears, anxieties and behavior rituals
- Sleep and toileting problems
- Social isolation and peer conflicts
- Psychiatric evaluations and medication management for children also receiving psychotherapy services through Lucy Daniels Center
What about insurance?
We offer fee reductions (sliding fee scale) for families without health insurance who qualify on the basis of financial need. For questions about insurance, please contact Seinna Means.