Lucy Listens is not accepting new clients at this time.
Please check back soon, as we hope to offer this service in the future.

Lucy Listens
The pandemic has caused more than a year of uncertainty, isolation, abrupt disruptions, grief and loss. No one knew how the world would change – especially for our children.
Lucy Listens provides up to 4 hours of telehealth therapy for parents and their children. This service is provided by a licensed mental health counselor at no cost to help families survive and thrive through the COVID-19 crisis and find resilience, courage and meaning in the most trying of times.
Many children who have had no emotional or behavioral issues prior to this crisis are currently experiencing:
- Anxiety or behavioral issues tied to recent adjustments
- Withdrawal and lack of communication with parents and family
- Loss of appetite
- Lack of attention and focus
- Nightmares, night terrors and sleep loss
- Mood swings
- Fear of getting Covid-19 or losing a parent/loved one
- Stress from adjusting to virtual learning
- Social and emotional challenges due to separation from friends and classmates
- Grief due to separation from grandparents or other family members
Lucy Listens is here to help.
Services for Professionals
Lucy Listens also provides services to educators and other pediatric professionals as they assist children and parents in adapting to the new normal as it relates to school and remote learning, including up to one hour consultation with an education specialist free of charge.
Who qualifies for Lucy Listens?
Families of children ages birth to 12 years old in the Greater Triangle area of North Carolina.
How much does it cost?
Lucy Listens provides up to 4 hours of short-term, solutions-focused telehealth support for parents and their children provided by a licensed mental health counselor at no cost to you.
How do I apply?
Complete our Request for Consultation form and a staff member will contact you within 24 hours to set up your sessions.
How does Lucy Listens help children?
Lucy Daniels clinicians help children by:
- Normalizing and validating fears, anger, grief and other related symptoms
- Developing insight and coping strategies to help them manage their emotions and moods
- Encouraging them to verbalize and express their emotions to parents and other safe adults
- Supporting them in identifying tools and strategies for healthy sleep routines
- Building and nurturing safe connections with loved ones and friends
- Offering resources, such as stories, games and other tools to help children understand and cope with the changing world around them
- Assisting them in re-engaging in normal activities
Continue the Legacy
Help us continue providing Lucy Listens at no cost to our clients.